Argo collaborates closely with rural communities to develop sustainable infrastructure projects that enhance local economies and environments.

Enriching Communities

Our solutions capture the full value of agricultural feedstocks - such as poultry litter - to create valuable products and reduce environmental risk for farmers and agricultural producers.

Engaging the community throughout the process ensures that our projects align with their unique opportunities and contribute to long-term growth and prosperity.

Enriching agricultural communities in tangible ways

Crop Farmers
Our solutions provide cost-effective, organic fertilizers, fully available nutrients, and the potential for lower greenhouse gas emissions (with the possibility of earning credits).
Poultry Growers
Our projects result in higher revenue, more consistent operations, and reduced environmental risks for poultry growers.
Local Contractors
We offer years-long contracts for equipment and services, creating long-term, well-paying operational jobs that benefit local contractors.
Local Community
We contribute to a higher tax base, lower nutrient pollution, and greater resilience for keystone industries in the local community.

Our community impact

Our community impact

Common questions

Does your project need public funding?
No. By extracting poultry litter’s full value, Argo’s projects are self-sufficient, have committed private funding, and actually result in higher farmer revenue. Our solution ‘grows the pie’ for the community, not take from it.
How does your project work?
We bring in locally sourced material to an enclosed building. We then process the material through a biological process where all the streams are managed in a controlled system engineered to capture the products made in the system. Our products are essentially the same materials as the inputs upgraded for more efficient utilization and sale.
How will your project help with environmental risks?
Argo’s solution offers a year-round, centralized offtake for the region’s poultry farmers. This reduces the amount of nutrient pollution from land application and makes litter easier to track and verify.
Will your project smell bad?
No. We design our solutions to ensure that no odors leave our facility. We want to bring a solution to the local community, not create a nuisance. Similar projects are often co-located in heavily trafficked areas, such as breweries.
How does your project support local agriculture?
Our project increases farmer revenues, offers cost-effective fertilizers, and reduces operational risk. Combined, these benefits give farmers and large ag companies confidence to continue operating sustainably in their existing communities.
Will your project create jobs?
Yes. Our project will create well-paying operator jobs and temporary construction and engineering jobs with local firms. Also, our project will increase the community’s commercial tax base.


Connect with Argo

If you're a Farmer looking to find new ways to grow financially, an Investor wanting to explore sustainable agriculture, or a Potential Partner with innovative ideas for the field, we're excited to hear from you. Please take a moment to fill out this brief form so we can tailor our response to your specific interests.
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